cool japan

Edo Kara Paper

Edo Kara Paper Edo Kara PaperCategory: OutboundAward Recipient: Tokyo Matsuya Co., Ltd.Area: Tokyo Click here for inquiries such as purchase “Edo Karakami” is a craft made from Japanese paper with various decorations. It is used as Fusuma-shi, paper for sliding doors, or Kabegami, wallpaper.In the early Edo period, craftsmen inspired by Kyoto’s Karakami-shi, the Chinese …

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Lacquerware Lighting: Michikaze, Shizuku, Komorebi

Lacquerware Lighting: Michikaze, Shizuku, Komorebi Lacquerware Lighting: Michikaze, Shizuku, KomorebiCategory: OutboundAward Recipient: KISHU+Area: Wakayama Click here for inquiries such as purchase The “AKARI IN JAPAN” series is a collection of lighting that is a new product category for lacquerware operators.We have developed a new product based on the light of Japan, with the unique light …

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Ishikawa wood & Hitotsubo Tea House埋め込みコード Ishikawa wood & Hitotsubo Tea House Ishikawa wood & Hitotsubo Tea HouseAward Recipient: THE SAKAMOTO CO. LTD. & Hanno CityArea: Hanno City, Saitama Click here for inquiries such as purchase The “Nishikawa Cedar and Hitotsubo Tea Room” is a project involving cedar and cypress wood (Nishikawa materials) grown in Hanno City, Saitama and the …

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Ball Stone Wall and Old Japanese-style House Café, Nakanogo

Ball Stone Wall and Old Japanese-style House Café, Nakanogo Ball Stone Wall and Old Japanese-style House Café, NakanogoAward Recipient: Hachijojima Town and Kominka Café NakanogoArea: Hachijojima, Tokyo The Osato Region Cobblestone Wall and Nakanogo Cobblestone Wall at the Old Japanese style House Café, Nakanogo are a stone walls created by stacking cobblestones. The café is …

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Yamakawa Rattan埋め込みコード Yamakawa Rattan Yamakawa RattanCategory: OutboundAward Recipient: Yamakawa Rattan Japan Co.Area: Tokyo Click here for inquiries such as purchase A modern indoor styling revolutionizing the traditional Rattan furniture image. The slender integrated model was designed to be a combination of pipes, which saved money for molding. The design of this product comes from the idea that …

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Mizuhiki MizuhikiCategory: OutboundAward Recipient: Sekijima MizuhikiArea: Nagano Click here for inquiries such as purchase Iida’s Mizuhiki, the ancient Japanese art form represents “connecting people and connecting their hearts”This hair ornament is designed to be reversible for both Japanese hair and Western-style hair ornaments using special knots. There are many types of Mizuhiki, and there are …

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