cool japan

Nagasaki Hasami Porcelain

Nagasaki Hasami Porcelain Nagasaki Hasami PorcelainCategory: OutboundAward Recipient: Tokyo Saikai Co., Ltd.Area: Nagasaki Click here for inquiries such as purchase A ceramic that incorporates new designs and techniques in the traditional technique of the city of Hasami-cho, Nagasaki Prefecture, which has a history of about 400 years. The base material is a natural porcelain raw material …

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Kumiko Tategu

Kumiko Tategu Kumiko TateguCategory: OutboundAward Recipient: Inamata Kumiko tategu ShopArea: Niigata Click here for inquiries such as purchase In 1965, Inomata joinery store was opened. In 1977, we were nominated in the 11th National Joinery Award for the first time since then our shop has been nominated for this award several times. We now specialized …

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Botanical Garden Art Biotop “Water Garden”

Botanical Garden Art Biotop “Water Garden” Botanical Garden Art Biotop “Water Garden”Category: InboundAward Recipient: Nikishimo Co.Area: Tochigi Click here for inquiries such as purchase The Art Biotop Water Garden is the symbol of the “Botanical garden Art Biotop project” collaboration of Nikishimo Co.,Ltd and Takara Leben CO.,LTD. It was born from the memories of the …

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Kominka Stay on Ojika Island

Kominka Stay on Ojika Island Kominka Stay on Ojika Island Award Recipient: Ojika Island Tourism Area: Ojika, Nagasaki Click here for inquiries such as purchase 「五島列島小値賀島の古民家ステイ」は、おぢかアイランドツーリズムが運営する一棟貸し切りの宿泊滞在施設です。長崎県の小値賀島にあるいくつかの集落にある6棟の古民家が点在し、どの家も築100 年以上あり、島と共に長い時間くらしてきた家ばかりです。また、古民家のシチュエーションも様々で、海が望める家、港が見える家、緑鮮やかな庭に囲まれた家、路地の先に佇む静かな家など、島の暮らしや環境に触れながら自由自在な時間を過ごすことができます。 About Contact Home